Saturday, January 4, 2020

Article 42 - Live Casinos Vs. Land Based Casinos - 2456 Words

Article 42 - Live casinos vs. land-based casinos One is the new age of casino gaming, while the other is classic casino gaming at its finest. Live casinos and land-based casinos definitely divide opinion amongst gamblers, but which is better? In today’s digital age can land-based casinos really compete? Have live casinos made them irrelevant? Land-based casinos They have been around for over 100 years and have even been the subject of several Hollywood blockbusters. When you think of The Mirage and The Mandalay Bay, you think of classic Las Vegas casino gambling at its finest. The atmosphere in a land-based casino, should you attend the right ones, is almost unrivalled and almost impossible to replicate. Another upside of land-based†¦show more content†¦However, the new innovation in the world of online casinos is set to take the industry to new heights. Live casinos promise to bring the real-time casino experience into your home and many ways they do just that. Through a video stream setup you are able to interact with the dealer and play as if you were at a real casino. What makes them so popular is that you forsake all the expensive costs that come associated with land based casinos, you can bet anything and everything and do so without the need to tip or sign up for an expensive casino membership. You’ll also never need to travel far, as you can play 24/7 from wherever you are. Many live casinos also run competitions regularly, which you can get involved in whenever you see fit. The last and probably most popular reason why people play at live casinos is for focus. Without the casino floor distractions it can be argued that you can implement strategy easier and have a greater chance of success. While there are plenty of reasons as to why millions play at live casinos, the format isn’t perfect. Playing at home doesn’t offer the true Las Vegas feel that many who gamble love. You aren’t sat around tables amidst the hustle and bustle of the casino floor, you are playing at home and thus a bit of the famous â€Å"casino buzz† is missing. Final thoughts Are live casinos better than land-based casinos? Do land-based casinos do enough to hold off this new-age digital competition? Well the

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