Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Climate Change And Stability ( Two Parts ) - 1216 Words

Q. 7) Climate Change and Stability (two parts) a. Scientists predict that the ocean will get warmer and the sea level will rise as a result of intensified greenhouse effect. i. Explain the greenhouse effect and how climate change is thought to occur. A greenhouse is generally a glass building that houses plants, the design of the building allows it to be warm enough to grow even summer plants during winter, or plants that would never be able to survive naturally in a particular area. This is because sunlight enters the greenhouse through the glass windows and, because of its design, only some light and heat escapes, causing heat to be trapped which in turn warms the greenhouse. Obviously this is where the term â€Å"greenhouse effect† comes from. Solar rays, which include not just light but other things like UV radiation and heat, enter our atmosphere (which can be paralleled with the glass in a greenhouse) and some of the heat is radiated off earth and bounced back down by t he atmosphere just like the greenhouse, and only some is released back to space. This is a very important process and is necessary to our life on earth. Without the atmosphere the average global temperature would only be -18 °C[l] as opposed to the 14.0 °C [m] that it is now, so without the greenhouse effect no life could exist here. Although this process is very important, one problem is that if too much heat and radiation is bounced back to earth the surface becomes a lot hotter and harsher for livingShow MoreRelatedClimate Change : A Global Threat That Goes Beyond National Boundaries Essay1499 Words   |  6 Pages While Michael Mann argued that globalization didn’t alter the nature of societies, as other hyper globalizers asserted, he, however, did say that globalization created two main threats that could alter societies in ways that were not known before. The first threat that he identified is warfare between nations using nuclear weapons. He argued that if nuclear and biological weapons were used, this could lead to the destruction of whole so cieties and countries. However, Mann also argued that warfareRead MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On Africa s Security Environment Essay1578 Words   |  7 PagesThe Lacuna in the Climate-Conflict Literature The extant literature shows two trends. 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